Ornowski, Jan or Ornovsky, Ivan [Орновський, Іван]. A late 17th-century poet from Chernihiv. He is the author of panegyrics, written in Polish, to Hetman Ivan Mazepa and the Cossack starshyna: Niebeski Merkurjusz (Heavenly Mercury, 1686), Muza Roxolańska o tryumfalney sławie i fortunie hetmana Mazepy (Roxolanian Muse on the Triumphal Fame and Fortune of Hetman Mazepa, 1688), Bogata drogich kamieniy speza ... (A Rich Expenditure of Precious Stones, 1693), Apollo Sauromacki przy weselnym akcie ... Simeona Lizohuba ... z Iriną corą ... Iana Szkoropackiego ... (Sauromatian Apollo at the Wedding Ceremony ... of Semen Lyzohub ... with Iryna, the Daughter ... of Ivan Skoropadsky, 1703), and Bogaty wirydarz... (The Rich Orchard..., 1705).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

Encyclopedia of Ukraine