South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University (Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет ім. К. Ушинського; Pivdennoukrainskyi natsionalnyi pedahohichnyi umiversytet im. K. Ushynskoho). An institution of higher education in Odesa. It was formed in 1920 as a faculty of social education at the Odesa Institute of People's Education. In 1932 it became a pedagogical institute under the name Odesa Pedagogical Institute, and in 1946 it was named after Konstantin Ushinsky. In 1994 the institute was transformed into the South Ukrainian State Pedagogical University and in 2009 it was granted the national university status and assumed its present name. The university has several institutes, including the institutes of arts, physics and mathematics, physical education and rehabilitation, psychology, world languages, primary education, and preschool education. Each institute has two or more faculties. The university trains teachers for elementary schools and the secondary school system. It has several consultation centres, experimental laboratories, and a library of 400,000 volumes. The student enrollment in 2011 was almost 8,000.

[This article was updated in 2012.]

Encyclopedia of Ukraine