a { text-decoration: none !important; text-align: right; } Zemplén komitat, Ukrainian: Zemplyn, Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Інтернетова Енциклопедія України (ІЕУ), Ukraine, Ukraina, Україна"> Zemplén komitat

Zemplén komitat

Zemplén komitat (Ukrainian: Zemplyn). Until 1918 an administrative territory in northern Hungary, with Sátoralja-Ujhely (Nové Mesto) its center. The northern part of the komitat was populated mainly by Ukrainians, and the southern part by Slovaks and Hungarians. In 1910 the region settled by Ukrainians (1,650 sq km) had a population of 48,000, 77 percent of whom were Ukrainian. Since 1919 the Ukrainian and Slovak regions have been part of Slovakia (see Prešov region).