Chervonyi shliakh

Chervonyi shliakh («Червоний шлях»; Red Pathway). Leading Ukrainian monthly journal in the 1920s. It was published from 1923 to 1936 in Kharkiv. The first editorial board consisted of Oleksander Shumsky (editor), Pavlo Tychyna, Hryhorii Hrynko, Vasyl Blakytny, Serhii Pylypenko, and Mykola Khvylovy and reflected an independent, although official, attitude. Later Hrynko became the editor in chief, and, still later, many personnel changes occurred during the purges of Ukrainian intellectuals. Among the contributors were the leading writers, critics, and scholars of the day, including many from abroad. The journal printed poetry, prose, literary criticism, and articles in the field of theater, drama, economics, and history. It also had a good book-review section.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]

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