Christian People's party

Christian People's party (Khrystyiansko-narodna partiia). Populist political party in Transcarpathia, active from 1924 to 1938. It was the successor of the Ruthenian Agrarian party and collaborated with the Czech Catholic party of Monsignor J. Šramek. From 1925 to 1929 the party had one deputy (Avhustyn Voloshyn) in the Czechoslovak parliament. Other party leaders included Mykhailo Brashchaiko and Yulii Brashchaiko, M. Dolynai, and Rev K. Fedelesh. The party weekly was Svoboda (Uzhhorod) (1925–38).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]

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