Hlukhiv Council of 1750

Hlukhiv Council of 1750 [Глухівська рада 1750 р.; Hlukhivska rada 1750 r.]. A council of Cossack officers that took place at Hlukhiv in February 1750 and at which, on the recommendations of Empress Elizabeth I and the Russian government, Kyrylo Rozumovsky was elected hetman of Left-Bank Ukraine. The revival of the Hetman state in Left-Bank Ukraine was welcomed by the Cossack starshyna and the population, which had suffered under the Russian officials during the rule of the Governing Council of the Hetman Office. With the election of a hetman by the Hlukhiv Council, the autonomy of the Hetman state was partially restored.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

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