Kharkiv Zootechnical-Veterinary Institute

Kharkiv Zootechnical-Veterinary Institute (Харківський зооветеринарний інститут ім. М. Борисенка; Kharkivskyi zooveterynarnyi instytut im. M. Borysenka). A post-secondary institution established in 1960 by merging the Kharkiv Veterinary (est 1851) and Zootechnical (est 1922) institutes. It was located in the town of Mala Danylivka north of Kharkiv. In 1983 the institute had over 2,000 full-time and 1,700 correspondence students. In 2001 it was reorganized into Kharkiv State Zootechnical-Veterinary Academy.

[This article was updated in 2005.]

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