
Image - The Grand Palace in Livadiia in the Crimea. Image - Livadiia in the Crimea. Image - Livadiia: Church of the Elevation of the Cross.

Livadiia [Livadija]. Map: IX-15. A town smt (2001 pop 1,620) on the Crimean southern shore 3 km southwest of Yalta and under the administration of the Yalta city council. In the 18th century there was a Greek settlement at the site, which in the second half of the 19th century became an estate of the Russian royal family. After the Revolution of 1917 it was transformed into a health resort. Some sessions of the Yalta Conference in 1945 were held in Livadiia. Today the town has a vineyard and a winery, several sanatoriums, and resorts for victims of heart, lung, and nerve diseases. Livadiia's most important architectural monument is the Grand Palace, designed by M. Krasnov in 1910–11 and surrounded by a park designed by I. Peter in 1834. Traces of Copper Age and Taurian settlements and a burial place from the 1st century have been found near the town. The ruins of a 10th- to 12th-century castle are nearby.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

Image - Livadiia in the Crimea. Image - Livadiia in the Crimea. Image - A park surrounding the Grand Palace in Livadiia.

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