Miller, Oleksander

Miller, Oleksander [Міллер, Олександер], b 27 August 1875 in Luhansk, Katerynoslav gubernia, d 12 January 1935 in a GULAG labor camp. Archeologist; brother of Mykhailo Miller. A professor of archeology at Saint Petersburg (later Leningrad) University, he was in charge of the Caucasian section of the Russian Ethnographic Museum in 1907–33. He studied the Bronze Age in Ukraine as well as archeological sites in the lower Don region. He was responsible for locating the ancient Greek settlement of Tanais. Miller was renowned for his methodological teachings and wrote Arkheologicheskie razvedki (Archeological Explorations, 1934). He was arrested in the Stalinist terror and exiled to Siberia, where he died.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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