Nash svit

Nash svit («Наш світ»; Our World). An illustrated weekly journal of literature, culture, and popular science, published in Warsaw in 1924–5 by Volodymyr P. Ostrovsky and distributed in Volhynia, the Kholm region, and Podlachia. Ostrovsky revived the journal as a monthly in Lutsk in 1935 and published it there until 1936. Among the contributors were Yevmen Lukasevych, Viacheslav Zaikin, Ivan Ohiienko, Klym Polishchuk, Serhii Khrutsky, Yakiv Voitiuk, Halyna Orlivna, Stepan Siropolko, and Yevhen Malaniuk.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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