National University of Food Technologies

National University of Food Technologies (Національний університет харчових технологій; Natsionalnyi universytet kharchovykh tekhnolohii). A technical higher educational institution in Kyiv. Formed in 1930 as the Kyiv Institute of Sugar Refinery Production out of the department of sugar refining of the Kyiv Polytechnical Institute. In 1935 it was renamed the Kyiv Technological Institute of the Food Industry. In 1993 it was reorganized into the Ukrainian State University of Food Technologies. In 2002 it was granted a national university status and assumed its current name. The university consists of three institutes (food technologies; engineering and technology; and economics and management) and three faculties (biotechnology and ecology; automatization and computer technologies; hospitality and tourism business). The enrollment is approximately 30,000 students.

[This article was updated in 2017.]

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