Obrazotvorche mystetstvo (1935–41)

Image - Maliarstvo i skulptura (1935).

Obrazotvorche mystetstvo (1935–41) («Образотворче мистецтво»; Pictorial Art). An illustrated fine arts journal published in Kyiv in 1935–41 (a total of 61 issues). Until 1939 it was called Maliarstvo i skul’ptura and was the organ of the Ukrainian Union of Soviet Artists and Sculptors. From 1939 it was called Obrazotvorche mystetstvo and was published by the Administration of Artistic Affairs of the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR. Yevhen Kholostenko was the journal’s chief editor. The establishment of a new arts magazine Mystetstvo in 1954 was seen by many asa revival of Obrazotvorche mystetstvo.

[This article was updated in 2019.]

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