Proletars’ka pravda

Proletars’ka pravda («Пролетарська правда»; Proletarian Truth). A daily organ of the Kyiv gubernia (later Kyiv oblast) committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, published in 1921–41. It was published in Russian as Proletarskaia pravda until 1925, when it merged with Bil’shovyk (1919–25) and switched to Ukrainian. Previous organs of the Kyiv gubernia Party committee, including Kievskii kommunist (1918–19) and Kommunist (1919–21), were also published in Russian. Under its longtime editor, Samiilo Shchupak, the newspaper played a role in the Ukrainization movement of the 1920s. It was succeeded by Kyïvs’ka pravda.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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