Rutsky, Illia

Rutsky, Illia [Руцький, Ілля; Ruc'kyj, Illja], b 1744 in Vysoke, Pryluka regiment, d 13 October 1786 in Moscow. Physician. After being educated at the Kyivan Mohyla Academy (1753–61) and the Medico-Surgical School of the Saint Petersburg Military Hospital (1761–6), he worked as a military doctor in the Yelysavethrad region, where he fought the plague (1770–4). Later he lectured at the Saint Petersburg Medico-Surgical Academy (1776–8) and completed a doctoral dissertation on the plague at Strasbourg University (1781). In 1782 he was appointed a professor at the Moscow Medical School.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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