Tykhonovych, Yosyp

Tykhonovych, Yosyp [Тихонович, Йосип; Tyxonovyč, Josyp], b ? in Kyiv, d after 1855. Military physician. A graduate of Moscow University (1813), he worked in its medical faculty until 1828 (obtaining his doctorate of medicine in 1823), took part in the Russo-Turkish War of 1828–9, practiced medicine in Kremenchuk and Lubny (1839–48), and was physician of the gubernial administration in Moscow (1848–55). He wrote a two-volume work on health care for pregnant women and newborn infants (1825) and a description of surgical instruments (1838).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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