Ukraïns’ka nyva

Image - Ukrainska nyva (1936)

Ukraïns’ka nyva («Українська нива»; Ukrainian Field). A newspaper published weekly and then semimonthly in Warsaw (1926–8) and semimonthly in Lutsk (1929–36). Intended primarily for the Ukrainians of Volhynia and for émigrés from Soviet-occupied Ukraine, it promoted Polish-Ukrainian co-operation and supported the Government-in-exile of the Ukrainian National Republic. The editors were Petro Pevny, L. Musiievych, and V. Artsebka. In 1930 the paper had a pressrun of 2,000 copies. It ceased publication in May 1936, but in June a weekly paper with the same name was established in Lutsk. An organ of the Volhynian Ukrainian Alliance, edited by A. Kokhanivsky, after 26 issues it was renamed Volyns’ke slovo (1937–9).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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