Ukraïns’ke slovo (1941)

Ukraïns’ke slovo (1941) (Ukrainian Word). A daily newspaper published in Zhytomyr and then Kyiv in September–December 1941 (a total of 100 issues). Edited by Ivan Rohach, Petro Oliinyk, and Orest Chemerynsky, all members of the OUN expeditionary groups, OUN (Melnyk faction), the newspaper advocated Ukrainian nationalism and independence and became one of the most influential and popular papers of its time; its pressrun was 20,000 to 50,000 copies. It also published a separate literary and artistic supplement. Because of the newspaper's outspoken views on Ukrainian independence, the German occupational authorities closed it down, arrested most of the editors, and executed them. In its place the pro-German Nove ukraïns’ke slovo was established.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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