Ukraïns’ke slovo (Paris)

Ukraïns’ke slovo (Paris) («Укаїнське слово»; La Parole ukrainienne, Ukrainian Word). A weekly newspaper published in Paris in 1933–40 and since 1948. It is closely allied with the OUN (Melnyk faction) and serves as an unofficial organ of the Leadership of Ukrainian Nationalists. The paper has been edited by Oleksander Boikiv (1933–4), Volodymyr Martynets (1934–40), O. Shtul-Zhdanovych (1948–77), and Mariia Styranka (1977–92). Contributors have included some of the most prominent figures in the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, such as Mykola Stsiborsky, Mykola Kapustiansky, Oleh Olzhych, Dmytro Andriievsky, Yevhen Onatsky, and Bohdan Kentrzhynsky. Ukraïns’ke slovo has been an excellent source of information on the Ukrainian nationalist movement before and after the Second World War. It has reported extensively on developments in the Ukrainian diaspora and in Ukraine. For some time the paper had special pages devoted to students, youth, military affairs, and culture. Until 1939 it was published by the Ukrainian National Union in France. Since that time the publisher has been the First Ukrainian Press in France, which also issues the paper's annual almanacs and books. Since February 1992 the paper has had a Kyiv edition.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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