Vseukraïns'kyi sotsiolohichnyi chasopys ‘SVOIE’

Image - Logo of the journal Vseukrainskyi sotsiolohichnyi chasopys SVOIE.

Vseukraïns'kyi sotsiolohichnyi chasopys ‘SVOIE’ also known simply as Sotsiolohichnyi chasopys («Всеукраїнський соціологічний часопис ‘СВОЄ’»; All-Ukrainian Sociological Journal ‘SVOIE’; or «Соціологічний часопис»; Sociological Journal). A peer-reviewed, Ukrainian-language open-access irregular sociological journal established in Kyiv in 2012. It was initially founded in 2010 as an informal newspaper by students of the Faculty of Sociology at Kyiv University. Its early names were Sociatis Viribus (SV, Latin for ‘Common Efforts’) and SVoє: Students'ke vydannia sotsiolohiv (Svoie: A Student Periodical for Sociologists). The concept of the journal was changed in 2015, when in order to reach a wider audience the editorial board decided to change the periodical’s character from a specialized student magazine to a non-academic, but peer-reviewed journal. The idea of the journal is based on the concept of the engaged public sociology framework. Each issue is dedicated to a specific topic and includes a wide range of materials: research papers, discussion essays, interviews, translations, and book reviews. Interdisciplinary focus and intergenerational professional dialogue with non-academic fields are the two strategic features of the journal. The journal published, among others, the first Ukrainian translations of works by leading contemporary sociologists Rogers Brubaker, Bruno Latour, John Urry, and web-analyst Avinash Kaushik.

Official website: https://svoye.wordpress.com/author/svoye/

Volodymyr Shelukhin

[This article was written in 2022.]

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