Yanovsky, Feofil

Yanovsky, Feofil or Teofil [Яновський, Феофіль; Janovs'kyj], b 24 June 1860 in Mynkivtsi, Nova Ushytsia county, Podilia gubernia, d 8 July 1928 in Kyiv. Internal medicine specialist; full member of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences from 1927. After graduating from Kyiv University (1884) he worked in its medical faculty and then served as a professor at the internal medicine clinic of the New Russia University in Odesa (1904–5) and Kyiv University (1905–19). He was director of the internal medicine clinic of the Crimean University (1919–21) and headed the internal medicine department at Kyiv Medical Institute (from 1921). His publications dealt with the clinical treatment of tuberculosis and diseases of the lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and circulatory system. He established a school of internal medicine specialists and was a longtime president of the All-Ukrainian Congress of Therapeutists. He initiated the establishment of many tuberculosis sanatoriums in Ukraine, and the Kyiv Tuberculosis Institute was named in his honor (1928).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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