
Image - A portrait of Ivan Zabila (eatly 18th century). Image - A portrait of Hanna Zabila (eatly 18th century).

Zabila [Забіла]. A family line of nobility and Cossack starshyna from the Chernihiv region. It was established by Petro Zabila, who was a general quartermaster in the Hetman state. His descendants were notable political and cultural activists of the 17th to 19th centuries. Petro's sons were Stepan Zabila, Vasyl Zabila, who was a general flag-bearer in 1690, and Taras Zabila, whose son, Mykhailo, was a general judge in 1728–40. The poet Viktor Zabila and the wood-carver Parmen Zabila also belonged to the line.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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