Zhinocha dolia

Zhinocha dolia [«Жіноча доля»; Woman’s Fate]. A monthly (1925–6) and semimonthly women’s magazine published and edited by Olena Kysilevska in Kolomyia in 1925–39. It contained articles on the women's movement in Western Ukraine and elsewhere, feminism, health and hygiene, farming, home economics, child rearing, cultural and political issues, and the women’s question in Soviet Ukraine. It also published a separate section about Ukrainian women in North America; the biweekly supplement Zhinocha volia (1932–9) for peasant women, edited by M. Stavnycha; the monthly Svit molodi (Kolomyia) (1934–9) for young people, edited by Iryna Vilde; and four annual almanacs (1927–30). Contributors included Uliana Kravchenko, Sofiia Rusova, Sofiia Parfanovych, Natalena Koroleva, O. Duchyminska, Mariia Omelchenko, Dariia Vikonska, and Sofiia Yablonska. In 1930 the magazine had a circulation of 2,500.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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