Czacki, Tadeusz

Czacki, Tadeusz, b 28 August 1765 in Porytske, Volhynia, d 8 February 1813 in Dubno. A notable Polish educator, economist, historian, and jurist. In 1803 he became the school visitator of Volhynia gubernia, Podilia gubernia, and Kyiv gubernia, and in 1805 he founded the Kremenets Lyceum. Among his works are O litowskich i polskich prawach ... i o statucie dla Litwy (On Lithuanian and Polish Rights ... and on the Lithuanian Statute, 1800–1), Czy prawo rzymskie bylo zasada praw litewskich i polskich? (Was Roman Law the Basis of Lithuanian and Polish Laws), 1809) and articles on the Karaites, Jews, the name Ukraine, and the origin of the Cossacks.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]

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