Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy (Дніпропетровська медична академія; Dnipropetrovska medychna akademiia). An institution of higher learning in Dnipro under the auspices of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Originally formed in 1916 as a medical department of Katerynoslav Higher Courses for Women, in 1918 it was reorganized into the faculty of medicine of the newly established Katerynoslav University only to become a separate institution of higher learning in 1920 under the name of Katerynsoslav Medical Academy. It was later renamed into Dnipropetrovsk Medical Institute. The first graduation took place in 1925. The institute began to publish two medical journals: Katerynoslavs'kyi medychnyi zhurnal and Novyi khirurhichnyi arkhiv. In 1931 the faculty of sanitation and hygiene was opened, followed by the faculty of pediatrics in 1937. During the Second World War the institute was evacuated first to Stavropol, then to Makhachkala, and eventually to Tashkent and Fergana in Central Asia. Between 1941 and 1944 it trained 1,000 physicians, catering for the needs of the Soviet Army. In 1944 the institute returned to Dnipropetrovsk.

In the first postwar decades the institute continued to expand its teaching capacities. For instance, the faculty of pharmaceutics functioned in 1956–62. The evening education department was added to the medical faculty in 1959, followed by the faculty of dentistry in 1963, and the faculty of the advanced medical studies in 1973. Among the institute’s graduates in those years were three future ministers of health of the Ukrainian SSR and independent Ukraine (Anatolii Romanenko, Andrii Serdiuk, and Volodymyr Bobrov). In the 1980s and 1990s the institute added few more teaching and clinical units, among them the faculty for international students, a medical lyceum, and the laboratory of psycho-physiological testing. In 1994 the institute was reorganized as an academy under its current name: the Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy (DMA). As of 2020 DMA consists of six faculties: first and second medical, first and second international, dentistry, and continuous education. The academy also operates the Research Sector and the Institute for Medical and Biological Research, as well as 29 specialized centers on the basis of 58 hospitals and clinics located in the city of Dnipro and in Dnipropetrovsk oblast. The current enrollment is over 5,000 undergraduate students and 4,000 military students (cadets), interns, and graduate students. The faculty comprises 697 academics, including one academician and three corresponding members of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, one corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and five academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher Education of Ukraine.

The academy publishes several medical periodicals, such as Medychni perspektyvy (25 vols, 1996–), Urolohiia (24 vols, 94 nos, 1997–), Dermatovenerolohiia, kosmetolohiia, seksopatolohiia (1997–), and Morfolohiia (14 vols, 2007–). DMA’s library was established in 1935, and today it is one of the largest medical libraries in Ukraine, containing around 600,000 copies. DMA has been consistently placed among the leaders of Ukraine’s higher education. In 2020 it was ranked 10 among 240 colleges and universities in the Consolidated Ranking of Ukraine’s colleges and universities conducted by the educational web portal Osvita.ua. It was also ranked 3 among Ukraine’s top 10 medical schools.

Shalomova, L.B. Zdravookhranenie Dnepropetrovska: kratkii istoricheskii ocherk (1776–1993) (Dnipro 1993)
Dnipropetrovs'ka derzhavna medychna akademiia. 85 rokiv: korotkyi narys (Dnipro 2001)
Profesory: biohrafichnyi dovidnyk profesoriv DDMA (1916–2001) (Dnipro 2002)
Dnipropetrovs'ka derzhavna medychna akademiia: 95 rokiv. Istoriia. Suchasnist'. Osobystosti (Kharkiv 2011)
DMA official website: https://dma.edu.ua/ua/

Serhiy Bilenky

[This article was written in 2020.]

Encyclopedia of Ukraine