Juba, Stephen [Дзюба, Степан; Dzjuba, Stepan], b 1 July 1914 in Winnipeg, d 2 May 1993 in Petersfield, Manitoba. (Photo: Stephen Juba.) Politician and businessman. During the 1930s and 1940s he set up a successful distribution firm for domestic equipment and supplies. Between 1953 and 1959 he sat in the Manitoba legislature as an independent member for the Logan constituency in Winnipeg. From 1957 until his retirement in 1977 he was mayor of Winnipeg, the first non-Anglo and non-Celt to hold this office. Juba cultivated a populist image by living modestly and breaking with the rigid formalities of his office. He introduced Sunday sports and more liberal liquor laws, and brought the 1967 Pan-American Games to Winnipeg. In 1973 he twinned Winnipeg with Lviv. Juba was invested into the Order of Canada in 1971. The Stephen Juba Park, named in his honor, was opened in Winnipeg in 1984. His biography, Juba, written by Michael Czuboka, appeared in 1984.

[This article was updated in 2009.]

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