Kanadiis’kyi ranok («Канадійський ранок»; Canadian Morning). Ukrainian religious newspaper published from 19 October 1920 to 31 August 1961 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It was set up through the merger of the Methodist Kanadyiets’ and the Presbyterian Ranok (Winnipeg). Subsidized by the United Church of Canada, until 1932 the paper appeared monthly and thereafter semimonthly. It followed a moderate editorial policy and covered not only religious issues but also cultural and social developments in Canada and Ukraine. Among its editors were D. Pyrch, Z. Bychynsky, M. Karabut, M. Berezynsky, Ivan Robert Kovalevych, and L. Standret. When the United Church withdrew its support, the Ukrainian Evangelical Alliance of North America assumed responsibility for it and changed its name to Ievanhel’s’kyi ranok.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1989).]

Encyclopedia of Ukraine