a { text-decoration: none !important; text-align: right; } Ethnographic Commission of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Етнографічна комісія ВУАН; Etnohrafichna komisiia VUAN, Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Інтернетова Енциклопедія України (ІЕУ), Ukraine, Ukraina, Україна"> Ethnographic Commission of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences

Ethnographic Commission of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences

Image - Etnohrafichnyi visnyk no. 1 (1925).

Ethnographic Commission of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Етнографічна комісія ВУАН; Etnohrafichna komisiia VUAN). The commission was founded in 1920 and functioned at first as a section of the Ukrainian Scientific Society in Kyiv. It became part of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in June 1921. The chairman of the commission was Academician Andrii Loboda and its secretary was Antin Onyshchuk (replaced by Viktor Petrov in 1924). The commission had over 30 members and a network of 600 permanent correspondents and several thousand collectors of ethnographic materials. Several seminars were conducted under the commission: a seminar for the study of national minorities, chaired by Yevhen Rykhlik; one for musical folklore, chaired by Klyment Kvitka; and one for the study of rural folkways. In 1925–32 the commission published Etnohrafichnyi visnyk (10 vols). The commission was abolished in 1933 after the academy was purged.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]