a { text-decoration: none !important; text-align: right; } Nashe slovo, «Наше слово»; Our Word, Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Інтернетова Енциклопедія України (ІЕУ), Ukraine, Ukraina, Україна"> Nashe slovo

Nashe slovo

Image - An issue of Nashe slovo (Warsaw).

Nashe slovo [«Наше слово»; Our Word]. A weekly organ of the Ukrainian Social and Cultural Society (USKT; since 1990 the Association of Ukrainians in Poland [OUP]) in Poland, published since 1956 in Warsaw. It contains articles on developments in the Ukrainian community in Poland—focusing on the activities of the OUP—and Ukraine, regular reviews of Ucrainica published in Poland, prose, poetry, and political commentary. Although its content was closely monitored by the Polish authorities under Communist rule, the newspaper enjoyed considerable autonomy in its coverage of cultural affairs. It devoted special attention to the folklore and ethnography of Ukrainians in Poland and included special sections devoted to the Lemko community, its history and culture in Poland, and women's issues. It also publishes the semimonthly supplement Svitanok (Dawn) for children and the literary and scholarly supplement Nasha kul’tura (Our Culture), which appeared monthly until 1988 and, after an interruption, resumed publication on an irregular basis in March 1988. The editors of the newspaper have been H. Boiarsky, M. Verbovy, R. Halan, I. Shcherba, and Ya. Prystash, and its regular contributors have included most of the prominent Ukrainian cultural and community figures in Poland. In 1988 the circulation of Nashe slovo was approximately 10,000.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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