a { text-decoration: none !important; text-align: right; } Ukrainian Mutual Benefit Association of Saint Nicholas, Bratstvo zapomohove sv. Mykolaia, Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Інтернетова Енциклопедія України (ІЕУ), Ukraine, Ukraina, Україна"> Ukrainian Mutual Benefit Association of Saint Nicholas

Ukrainian Mutual Benefit Association of Saint Nicholas

Ukrainian Mutual Benefit Association of Saint Nicholas (Bratstvo zapomohove sv. Mykolaia). The oldest Ukrainian mutual-aid society in Canada. It was founded by Rev M. Hura, V. Karpets, and N. Hladky at the Ukrainian Catholic Saint Nicholas Church in Winnipeg on 11 September 1905. At first there were 45 members. By 1931 it had 15 branches and 2,500 members, and by 1990 it had 24 branches and 1,200 members. Its assets total 3,588,000 dollars. Besides helping its members with funeral expenses and sickness benefits, the association supports Ukrainian cultural and educational institutions. The presidents of the association have been M. Hura, N. Kotliaryk, N. Hladky, I. Martsiniv, M. Havryliuk, S. Horbachevsky, Ya. Baryliuk, I. Zavidovsky, Theodore Stefanyk, I. Zarovsky (1923–38, 1940–60), T. Kozak, J. Nowosad (1960–70), J. Kozoriz (1970–83), and Bishop M. Daciuk (1983–).

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