Arkhypenko, Yevhen

Arkhypenko, Yevhen [Архипенко, Євген; Arxypenko, Jevhen], b 15 September 1884 in Kaharlyk, Kyiv county, Kyiv gubernia, d 14 July 1959 in Dornstadt, West Germany. Agronomist and political leader; brother of Alexander Archipenko. Arkhypenko published the journals Ukraïns'ke bdzhil'nytstvo (Saint Petersburg 1906–9) and Rillia (Kyiv 1910). The leader of the insignificant Ukrainian People's Republican party, in 1919 he was minister of land affairs of the Ukrainian National Republic. From 1921 he lived in Volhynia until he participated in Otaman Volodymyr Oskilko’s failed coup in Rivne in April and was arrested. He published Ukraïns'ke pasichnytstvo in Lviv until 1928 and Sil’s’kyi svit (1924–31) in Lviv and Lutsk. He wrote several textbooks on beekeeping. In 1944 he emigrated to Germany.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]

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