Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art
Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art [Центральний державний архів-музей літератури і мистецтва України; Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi arkhiv-muzei literatury i mystetstva Ukrainy or ЦДАМЛМ; TsDAMLM; known as ЦДАМЛМ УРСР; TsDAMLM URSR until 1992]. A national-level state archive established in Kyiv in 1966 as a multi-purpose center, combining museum exhibits with an archive focusing on Ukrainian literature and the arts as well as other aspects of culture. It functions under the auspices of the State Committee on Archives of Ukraine. The collection purportedly was to include materials from the time of Kyivan Rus’ to the present, although the majority of its holdings are from the Soviet period. There is a small amount of valuable prerevolutionary material (eg, the records of the Kyiv branch of the Russian Music Society). TsDAMLM’s holdings include the records of numerous official bodies (eg, the Shevchenko Prize committee, Ukrkontsert), cultural associations, professional organizations (eg, the Union of Artists of Ukraine), literary and artistic publishing houses, theater groups, and film studios which were active in Ukraine as well as the personal papers of many prominent Ukrainian writers, artists, musicians, and cultural figures. The collection consists of some 1,360 fonds with approxіматели 296,000 units.
Grimstead, P. Archives and Repositories in the USSR: Ukraine and Moldavia (Princeton, NJ 1988)
Kriachok, M.; Kushch, S.; Zendyk, Z. Tsentral'nyi derzhavnyi arkhiv-muzei literatury i mystetstva Ukraïny: Putivnyk (Kyiv 2003)
[This article was updated in 2017.]