Chaikovsky, Danylo

Chaikovsky, Danylo [Чайковський, Данило; Čajkovs’kyj], b 19 March 1909 in Myshkiv, Zalishchyky county, Galicia, d 3 July 1972 in Philadelphia, USA. Journalist and political activist of the Bandera faction of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, political prisoner incarcerated in Polish prisons and German concentration camps. As an émigré in Germany Chaikovsky served as propaganda officer of the External Units of the OUN (Bandera faction) and edited Ukraïns’ka trybuna. In 1948 he moved to France, where he edited Ukraïnets’-Chas (1948–55). In 1955 he became editor of Shliakh peremohy in Munich. In 1967 he emigrated to the United States and worked on the editorial board of the daily Ameryka (Philadelphia). Chaikovsky described his experiences in prison in Khochu zhyty (I Want to Live). He also published a collection of short stories, Nashi dni (Our Times).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]

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