Ukraïns’ka trybuna

Ukraïns’ka trybuna [«Українська трибуна»; Ukrainian Tribune]. One of the most widely read newspapers for Ukrainian displaced persons in postwar Germany. It was published in Munich, weekly in 1946–8 and then semiweekly to August 1949 (a total of 219 issues) by V. Pasichnyk under license from the United States military authorities. Ukraïns’ka trybuna reported on developments in Soviet Ukraine, international politics, and Ukrainian émigré affairs and published a chronicle of life in the displaced persons camps and documents from the nationalist resistance in Ukraine. At various times it included special sections devoted to literature and art, the émigré student movement, and the Ukrainian Youth Association. The first editors were Zenon Tarnavsky and Zenon Pelensky; they were assisted by Mykola Hlobenko, Oleh Lysiak, O. Pytliar, Volodymyr Stakhiv, Danylo Chaikovsky, Bohdan Nyzhankivsky, and others. With time the paper came under the domination of the OUN (Bandera faction), and its quality declined as it became more partisan. In 1947–8 Ukrainska Trybuna publishers sublicensed the cultural magazine Arka.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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