Chernigovskii listok

Chernigovskii listok (Chernihiv Newsletter). Russian-Ukrainian weekly newspaper published in Chernihiv from July 1861 to August 1863 (61 issues). The editor and publisher was Leonid Hlibov. Besides literary works by Panteleimon Kulish, Petro Kuzmenko, Mykola Verbytsky, L. Hlibov, Oleksander Konysky, and S. Ovechko, the newspaper published articles on Chernihiv gubernia and other areas (concerning Sunday schools, school textbooks, cultural and literary life), valuable material on ethnography and folklore by Stepan Nis, Petro S. Yefymenko, and Matvii Nomys, criticism and reviews (including Hlibov's theater criticism), and bibliographic articles. With the onset of an official policy of reaction (especially after the arrest of I. Andrushchenko, who wrote for Chernigovskii listok), the newspaper was forbidden to publish. From October 1862 until its closing, Chernigovskii listok was the only periodical in the Russian Empire that published Ukrainian-language material.

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