Habsburg-Lothringen, Wilhelm

Image - Wilhelm Habsburg-Lothringen (Vasyl Vyshyvany) Image - Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky and Wilhelm Habsburg-Lothringen (Vasyl Vyshyvany).

Habsburg-Lothringen, Wilhelm, b 10 February 1895 in Pula, Dalmatia (now Croatia), d 18 August 1948 in the Lukianivka Prison in Kyiv. Austrian prince and army officer. A supporter of the Ukrainian cultural and national movement who adopted the name Vasyl Vyshyvany, Habsburg won wide popularity among Galician Ukrainians. In 1918 he commanded Austrian army units in southern Ukraine, including units of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen. In the autumn of 1918 his command was transferred from Oleksandrivske (now Zaporizhia) to Bukovyna. During 1919 Habsburg served as a colonel in the war ministry of the Ukrainian National Republic. In August 1947 he was arrested by the MVD in Vienna and imprisoned in the USSR, where he later died. He is the subject of biographies by Nykyfor Hirniak (1956) and Timothy Snyder (2008).

[This article was updated in 2017.]

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