Institute of Agriculture in the Carpathian Region of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine

Image - Institute of Agriculture in the Carpathian Region of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine (main building)

Institute of Agriculture in the Carpathian Region of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine (Інститут сільського господарства Карпатського регіону НААН України; Instytut silskoho hospdarstva Karpatskoho rehionu NAAN Ukrainy). A scientific research institute within the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine, it was originally established in 1956 (as Scientific Research Institute of Land Cultivation and Animal Husbandry of the Western Regions of Ukraine) by the union of the Institute of Agrobiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, the Lviv Scientific Research Station of Agriculture, and the Lviv State Farm. In 1997 it was reorganized into the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry of the Western Region of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine, and in 2021 it was further reorganized and assumed its present name. The institute is located in Obroshyne, Pustomyty raion, Lviv oblast. The Subcarpathian and Alpine-Carpathian agriculture research stations and two independent research units in Sokilnyky and Obroshyne are also components of the institute.

The institute has five main divisions. The first one, crop cultivation, includes departments of land cultivation, selection and seed cultivation, feed production, and agricultural technologies, all of which include several research laboratories and other units. The second division, animal husbandry, is comprised of seven research laboratories. The other divisions deal with the matters of scientific innovation, new technologies, and intellectual property; mechanization; and economics. The institute has an extensive scientific library and it offers a graduate program leading to advanced professional degrees.

The institute’s official site can be found at:

Marko Robert Stech

[This article was updated in 2024.]

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