Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine [Інститут української археографії та джерелознавства імені М. Грушевського Національної Академії Наук України; Instytut ukrainskoi arkheohrafii ta dzhereloznavstva imeni M. Hrushevskoho Natsionalnoi Akademii Nauk Ukrainy]. A leading scientific research institute in the field of archeography, source studies, and special historical disciplines within the framework of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NANU). Founded in 1987 as the Archeographic Commission of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR and headed by Pavlo Sokhan, in 1990 it was transformed into the Institute of Ukrainian Archeography of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. In 1995 it was named in honor of Mykhailo Hrushevsky and assumed its present name. Pavlo Sokhan, a corresponding member of NANU, remained the institute’s first director until his death in 2013. The institute’s current director is Heorhii Papakin.

The institute was founded in order to continue the well-established archeographic tradition in Ukraine, which originated with the Kyiv Archeographic Commission (1843–1921) and continued with the Archeographic Commission of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, established in Lviv in 1895 at the initiative of Mykhailo Hrushevsky, and the Archeographic Commission of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, established in Kyiv in 1919 and funtioning until 1931. Among the institute’s other notable predecessors were the Archeographic Commission of the Central Archival Administration of the Ukrainian SSR (1928–1934) and several other scholarly, educational, and cultural centers of the mid-19th through the early 20th centuries.

The primary objectives of the institute include a systematic search, examination, and publication of historical sources relevant to the history of Ukraine; the analysis of methodological issues in archeography, source studies, and special historical disciplines; the publication of the legacy of Ukrainian scholars and political figures; and the coordination of archeographic projects conducted by other institutions. The institute includes seven departments: the theory and methods of archeography and source studies; official and legal documents; sources in modern Ukrainian history; sources in contemporary Ukrainian history; artefacts of Ukrainian culture; foreign sources on the history of Ukraine; and publishing and information. The institute also has two regional branches: in Lviv (established in 1992, headed by Yaroslav Dashkevych until 2010 and since then by Myron Kapral) and in Zaporizhia (established in 1999, headed by Anatolii Boiko until 2010 and since then by Volodymyr Milchev). Among the institute’s most notable scholars are Heorhii Papakin, Viktor Brekhunenko, Yurii Mytsyk, Yaroslav Fedoruk, Ihor Hyrych, Volodymyr Potulnytsky, Natalia Starchenko, Volodymyr Polishchuk, Andrii Starodub, and others.

The publications of the institute have comprised 34 series: Pamiatky ukraïns'koho litopysannia (The Monuments of Ukrainian Chronicle Writing); Aktovi dzherela (Official and Legal Documents); Opysovo-statystychni dzherela (Descriptive and Statistical Sources); Pamiatky politychno-pravovoï kul'tury Ukraïny (Monuments of Political and Legal Culture of Ukraine); Pamiatky ukraïns’koï movy (Monuments of the Ukrainian Language); Dzherela z istoriï ukraïns’koho kozatstva (Sources in the History of the Ukrainian Cossacks); Ukraïna v mizhnarodnykh zviazkakh: khroniky, memuary, shchodennyky (Ukraine in International Relations: Chronicles, Memoires, and Diaries); Dzherela z istoriï suspil’no-politychnoho rukhu v Ukraïni XIX–pochatku XX st. (Sources in the History of Socio-Political Movement in Ukraine in the 19th and early 20th Centuries); Skhidni dzherela z istoriï Ukraïny (Oriental Sources in the History of Ukraine); Kartohrafichni dzherela z istoriï Ukraïny (Cartographic Sources in the History of Ukraine); Etnohrafichno-fol’klorna spadshchyna (Ethnographic and Folkloric Heritage); Epistoliarna spadshchyna (Epistolary Legacy); Memuary. Shchodennyky (Memoirs and Diaries); Dzherela z istoriï ukraïns’koï kul’tury (Sources in the History of Ukrainian Culture); Pamiatky filosofs’koï kul’tury ukraïns’koho narodu (Monuments of the Philosophical Culture of the Ukrainian People); Dzherela z istoriï tserkvy v Ukraïni (Sources in the History of the Church in Ukraine); Dzherela z istoriï nauky v Ukraïni (Sources in the History of Science in Ukraine); Dzherela z novitnioï istoriï Ukraïny (Sources in the Contemporary History of Ukraine); Pamiatky istorychnoï dumky Ukraïny (Monuments of the Historical Thought in Ukraine); Pamiatky zarubizhnoï istoriohrafiï Ukraïny (Monuments of the Foreign Historiography of Ukraine); Derzhavna shkola: Istoriia. Politolohiia. Pravo (The Statist School: History, Political Science, Law); Harvards’ka biblioteka ukraïnoznavstva (Harvard Library of Ukrainian Studies); Starozhytnosti Pivdennoï Ukraïny (Antiquities of Southern Ukraine); Zaporiz’ka spadshchyna (The Zaporozhian Sich Legacy); Problemy edytsiinoï ta kameral’noï arkheohrafiï: Istoriia, teoriia, metodyka (Problems of Editional and Cameral Archeography: History, Theory, and Methods); Naukovo-dovidkovi vydannia z istoriï Ukraïny (Scholarly-Reference Publications in the History of Ukraine); Nekropoli Ukraïny (Necropolises of Ukraine); Dzherela z istoriï Viis’ka Ukraïns’koho (Sources in the History of the Ukrainian Armed Forces); L’vivs’ki istorychni pratsi. Dzherela (Lviv Historical Works: Sources); L’vivs’ki istorychni pratsi. Doslidzhennia (Lviv Historical Works: Studies); Monohrafichni doslidzhennia (Monographs); Khrestomatiï (Readers); Studiï (Studies); Entsyklopedychni vydannia (Encyclopedic Publications).

The most important publications of historical sources under the aegis of the institute include the following series: Universaly ukraïn’skykh het’maniv (The Universals of Ukrainian Hetmans, 5 vols, 1998–2008); Arkhiv Kosha Novoï Zaporoz’koï Sichi: Korpus dokumentiv, 1734–1755 (The Archive of the Camp of the New Zaporozhian Sich: A Corpus of Documents,1994–2008, 6 vols.); Dzherela z istoriï Natsional’no-vyzvol’noï viiny ukraïns’koho narodu 1648–1658 (Sources in the History of the National-Liberation War of the Ukrainian People 1648–1658, 4 vols, 2012–5); Povne zibrannia tvoriv M.S. Hrushevs’koho (The Complete Works of M. Hrushevsky, 14 vols, 2002–10, ongoing); and Litopys UPA. Nova Seriia (The Annals of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. A New Series, 24 vols, 1995–2014).

The institute’s main periodical is Ukraïns’kyi arkheohrafichnyi shchorichnyk. Nova seriia (21 vols, 1992–2013), which has published numerous historical sources and contributions from the most prominent Ukrainian archeographers.

Burim, D., Mavrin, O., and Fedoruk, Ia., (comp). Instytut ukraïns’koï arkheohrafiï ta dzhereloznavstva im. M.S. Hrushevs’koho NAN Ukraïny (1991–2011)
(Kyiv, 2011)

Serhiy Bilenky

[This article was written in 2017.]

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