Ivanytsky, Teodor

Ivanytsky, Teodor [Ivanyc’kyj], b 1860, d 7 July 1935 in Chernivtsi. Bukovynian teacher and civic figure. From 1911 to 1918 he was a representative from the Ukrainian National Democratic party to the Bukovynian provincial diet. From 1912 to 1920 he headed the Selianska Kasa savings association in Chernivtsi, and from 1927 he was a member of the executive of the Ukrainian National party, the sole legal Ukrainian party in Bukovyna under Romanian rule. In 1929 he founded and then directed the Chas publishing house, which issued the daily Chas (Chernivtsi).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

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