
Knyholiub [«Книголюб»; Bibliophile]. An irregular journal of bibliography published from 1927 to 1932 by the Ukrainian Society of Bibliophiles in Prague. Its editor was Stepan Siropolko. Devoted to the history of Ukrainian book publishing, the journal printed mostly the lectures presented to the society by its members: Vasyl Simovych’s bibliography of Olha Kobylianska’s works, Dmytro Chyzhevsky’s survey of Ukrainian philosophical literature in 1920–6, Vasyl Bidnov’s review of religious publications in Ukraine, Symon Narizhny’s survey of Slavica including Ucrainica, Dmytro Antonovych’s study on the cult of Heorhii Narbut and modern Ukrainian book design, Volodymyr Sichynsky’s survey of literature on Ukrainian fine art, and S. Siropolko’s study of bibliology in Soviet Ukraine. The journal contained special sections devoted to library affairs, publishing news, Ucrainica, and new Ukrainian publications in Czechoslovakia. Altogether 15 issues of Knyholiub appeared.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

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