Kordan, Bohdan

Kordan, Bohdan, b 8 April 1955 in Toronto. (Photo: Bohdan Kordan.) Political scientist. A graduate of Carleton University in Ottawa (MA, 1980) and Arizona State University (Ph D, 1988), he taught at Grant MacEwan College in Edmonton from 1988 until 1993, when he assumed a position at the University of Saskatchewan (UofS) in Saskatoon. At the UofS Kordan was instrumental in establishing the Prairie Centre for the Study of Ukrainian Heritage and served as its founding director (1999–2004). He is the author of Canada and the Ukrainian Question, 1939–1945: A Study in Statecraft (2001) as well as several works dealing with the internment of Ukrainians in Canada during the First World War and with Ukrainian Canadians and the Canadian census. He has co-edited document collections dealing with Anglo-American perspectives on the Ukrainian question and on the British Foreign Office and the Famine-Genocide of 1932–3 (1988). He has also curated a number of exhibitions of antiquarian maps of Ukraine.

[This file was updated in 2007.]

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