Kosenko, Viktor

Image - Viktor Kosenko Image - Viktor Kosenko

Kosenko, Viktor [Косенко, Віктор], b 23 November 1896 in Saint Petersburg, d 3 October 1938 in Kyiv. Pianist, composer, and educator. A student of A. Michałowski in Warsaw and a graduate of the Petrograd Conservatory (1918), where he studied under Yosyp Myklashevsky, Kosenko began to lecture at the Zhytomyr Music Tekhnikum in 1918, at the Lysenko Music and Drama Institute in 1929, and at the Kyiv Conservatory in 1934. At the same time he gave piano concerts in different cities of Ukraine. His works include a sonata for cello and piano (1923), Classical Trio for piano, violin, and cello (1927), a sonata for violin and piano (1927), Heroic Overture (1932), Moldavian Poem (1937), a piano concerto, three piano sonatas, a trio, a violin concerto, about 100 piano pieces, including 24 pieces for children (1936), and many art songs.

Kosenko, A. (ed). V.S. Kosenko u spohadakh suchasnykiv (Kyiv 1967)
Stetsiuk, R. Viktor Kosenko (Kyiv 1974)
Oliinyk, O. Fortepianna tvorchist’ V.S. Kosenka (Kyiv 1977)

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

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