Kozlovsky-Trofymovych, Isaia

Kozlovsky-Trofymovych, Isaia [Козловський-Трофимович, Ісая; Kozlovs'kyj-Trofymovyč, Isaja], b ?, d 15 March 1651 in Kyiv. Renowned Orthodox theologian and pedagogue of Galician origin. He studied at the Vilnius Brotherhood School, then at the Jesuit College in Lublin and the Zamostia Academy. From 1631 he lived in Kyiv, where he was a professor and rector at the Kyivan Mohyla College. Kozlovsky-Trofymovych was a close collaborator of Metropolitan Petro Mohyla. In 1633 he was sent as an envoy to gain Patriarch Cyril Lucaris’s confirmation of Mohyla’s election as metropolitan. He was an active participant in the church councils in Kyiv (1640) and Iaşi (1642), and coauthor with Mohyla of Pravoslavne Ispovidannia Viry (Orthodox Confession of Faith, published in 1696), for which he was awarded the title ‘Doctor of Theology’ by the Kyiv church council in September 1640. Pravoslavne Ispovidannia Viry was approved in 1643 by the four Eastern patriarchs and became a cornerstone of the entire Orthodox church. An abridged version was published in Polish (1645) and in Ukrainian as Sobranie korotkoi nauky o artykulakh viry pravoslavnokafolicheskoi ... (A Collection of Short Lessons on the Articles of the Universal Orthodox Faith ..., 1645). Kozlovsky-Trofymovych also assisted Mohyla in compiling the Trebnyk (Euchologion) of 1646. From 1638 until his death he was hegumen of the Kyiv Saint Nicholas's Monastery.

Kharlampovich, K. Zapadnorusskie pravoslavnye shkoly XVI i nachala XVII veka (Kazan 1898)
Vozniak, M. Istoriia ukraïns'koï literatury, 2 (Lviv 1921)

Arkadii Zhukovsky

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

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