Labor Alliance of Ukrainian Students

Labor Alliance of Ukrainian Students (Об’єднання праці українських студентів; Obiednannia pratsi ukrainskykh studentiv). An umbrella body of Ukrainian student groups in Lviv which was active from June 1942 until the summer of 1944. The alliance united Ukrainian student groups organized at local faculties and institutions of higher education; the groups included 471 students in medicine, 402 in technical sciences, 212 in agronomy, 119 in veterinary medicine, 104 in pharmacology, 80 in forestry, the Ukrainian students’ sports club (450), and the student banduryst choir (46). The alliance was led by Bohdan Lonchyna, and published the monthly Students’kyi prapor.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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