Liaskoronsky, Sylvestr

Liaskoronsky, Sylvestr [Ляскоронський, Сильвестр; Ljaskorons'kyj, Syl'vestr], b ?, d 19 May 1754 in Kyiv. Orthodox churchman and writer. He graduated from the Kyivan Mohyla Academy and then taught there (1729–41) before becoming hegumen of the Holy Spirit Monastery in Vilnius and archimandrite of the Nizhyn Annunciation Monastery (1745) and the Kyiv Epiphany Brotherhood Monastery (1746–51). He also served as rector and professor of theology at the Kyivan Mohyla Academy (1746–51). He wrote the tragicomedy Obraz strastei mira seho (A Portrait of the Passion of This World, 1729), which was thematically linked to the Easter cycle.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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