Lyzohub, Yakiv Yu.

Lyzohub, Yakiv Yu. [Лизогуб, Яків], b 22 October 1675, d 24 January 1749 in Saint Petersburg. Cossack officer; son of Yukhym and grandson of Yakiv K. Lyzohub. He was educated at the Kyivan Mohyla Academy, and served as general standard-bearer (1713–28), in the course of which service he accompanied Hetman Ivan Skoropadsky to Moscow in 1718, and general quartermaster (1728–49). He headed the government of the Hetman state in 1723–4, and after the death of Hetman Danylo Apostol he was senior representative of the Cossack starshyna in the Russian administration of the Hetmanate (from 1734) (see Governing Council of the Hetman Office). In 1735–41 Lyzohub headed the codification committee that compiled the Code of Laws of 1743. He took part in the Polish campaign of 1733 and the Russo-Turkish War of 1735–9. He is thought by some researchers to be the author of the Lyzohub Chronicle.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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