Makohin, Yakiv

Image - Yakiv Makohin

Makohin, Yakiv or Jacob [Макогін, Яків], b 27 September 1880 in Zhovkva county, Galicia, d 13 January 1956 in Boston, Massachussets. Ukrainian-American political activist. In 1905–21 he served in the US armed forces. Later he married S. Fallon, a wealthy widow. In 1930 he toured Galicia with his wife, and after his tour he informed British parliamentarians and journalists about the Pacification. He set up and financed the Ukrainian Bureau in London and then in Geneva and a representation of the bureau in Prague. He and his wife supported the Museum of Ukraine's Struggle for Independence in Prague and provided scholarships for Ukrainian students and artists. They owned a valuable collection of old Ukrainian icons and paintings and a fine collection of postage stamps.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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