Mystetstvo, journal

Image - The journal Mystetstvo, 1920 No, 1 (cover by Heorhii Narbut). Image - Heorhii Narbut: graphic ornament in the journal Mystetstvo. Image - Heorhii Narbut: graphic ornament in the journal Mystetstvo.

Mystetstvo, journal («Мистецтво»; Art). A literature and art journal, of which only eight issues appeared in Kyiv: six between May and July 1919, one later in 1919, and one in April 1920. The journal was edited by Hnat Mykhailychenko and Mykhailo Semenko and was the organ of the Ukrainian Section of the All-Ukrainian Literary Committee and, with issue no. 3, the Division of Arts of the People's Commissariat of Education. The direction that the new Soviet Ukrainian literature, art, and theater should take was discussed on its pages. Among its contributors were the editors and Vasyl Blakytny, Mykola Burachek, Vasyl Chumak, Volodymyr Koriak, Hordii Kotsiuba, Ivan Kulyk, Les Kurbas, Oleksander Murashko, Heorhii Narbut, Anatol Petrytsky, Klym Polishchuk, Yakiv Savchenko, Oleksa Slisarenko, Mykola Tereshchenko, Pavlo Tychyna, Volodymyr M. Yaroshenko, and Dmytro Zahul.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

Image - The journal Mystetstvo, 1920 No, 1 (cover by Heorhii Narbut).

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