Nashe zhyttia (Kholm)

Nashe zhyttia (Kholm) (Our Life). A socialist weekly newspaper of political, cultural, and community affairs in the Kholm region, published in 1920 and 1922–8 in Kholm. The newspaper was founded by the brothers Antin Vasynchuk and Pavlo Vasynchuk, and its editors included M. Vavrysevych, V. Kozlovsky, S. Kozachuk, Yakiv Voitiuk, and Stepan Makivka. It was the organ of Sel-Soiuz in 1924–6 and then came under the control of the more radical faction that joined Sel-Rob. The paper's editors were persecuted by the Polish authorities. In 1928 it was succeeded by Nove zhyttia (Kholm).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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