Nash holos (United States)

Nash holos (United States) («Наш голос»; Our Voice). A monthly organ of the Ukrainian American Association, published from June 1968 in Trenton, then Irvington, and finally Union, New Jersey. Until 1972 it was called Biuleten' Asotsiiatsiï ukraïntsiv v Amerytsi. The journal published book reviews, memoirs, and articles on political and historical affairs by a wide range of contributors from the United States of America, Canada, and Europe. It was especially noteworthy for its commentary on Ukrainian political affairs, in which it often criticized leading émigré institutions and political parties from a liberal-democratic perspective. The founder of Nash holos and editor until his death in 1982 was Dmytro Kuzyk. After that the journal was edited by a board headed by E. Pereima. It had a circulation (1988) of approximately 2,500.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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