Nash lemko

Nash lemko (Our Lemko). A semimonthly paper of community and cultural affairs, established in Lviv by the Ukrainska Presa publishing house in January 1934. Distributed in the Lemko region, it promoted Ukrainian national consciousness there and countered the influence of the Russophile Łemko (1934–9), which was published in Krynytsia (Krynica) and subsidized by the Polish government, and Karpatskii zvon (1937–9), the semimonthly organ of the Polish-controlled Lemko Apostolic Administration. Nash lemko was edited by P. Smerykanych and then Yuliian Tarnovych. From 1936 until the German invasion in 1939 it was published by the so-called Lemko Committee.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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